What is NRA?

The National Risk Assessment (NRA) identifies the primary concern for money laundering and terrorist financing risks that countries have.

Governments implement a National Risk Assessment to combat risk-based money laundering and terrorist financing (AML / CFT) actions, control, mitigate, and eliminate risks. The National Risk Assessment is a comprehensive process to help a country identify, assess, and understand the risks that arise from vulnerabilities that facilitate money laundering.

How To Create A National Risk Assessment?

According to the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive, all EU member states must constitute national risk assessments. By adopting a risk-based approach, states can prepare their national risk assessments according to the country's circumstances. National Risk Assessment reports are not explicitly created for sectors. Because highlighting current systematic risks is more important than highlighting sectoral risks in detail, institutions can prepare their own risk assessments within the national risk assessment scope.

The NRA process includes:

  • Determining the most revenue-generating criminal activities in the country
  • Assessing financial and private sectors' vulnerability to ML identifying the controls and weaknesses of the criminal justice system
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of the fight against money allocation of resources according to the level of risk.

How Does the NRA Affect Countries?

Governments around the world are constantly battling the scourge of money laundering and terrorist financing, as these activities pose a significant threat to national security. In this context, the National Risk Assessment (NRA) has emerged as a crucial tool for identifying and mitigating risks related to such criminal activities.

Given the increasing interdependence of countries in the globalized world, governments are collaborating more than ever before in various domains such as healthcare, technology, and finance. This has led to an increase in national risk, as the actions of one country can have far-reaching consequences for others. Therefore, it is important for governments to be proactive in managing risks and making informed decisions to combat these threats.

The NRA is a comprehensive approach to risk assessment that takes into account a range of factors, including the nature and scope of criminal activities, the vulnerabilities of the financial system, and the effectiveness of existing laws and regulations. By analyzing these factors, the NRA enables governments to identify potential risks, assess their impact, and develop effective strategies for addressing them.

It is an essential tool for managing risks and aiding in decision-making related to the evolving risk environment caused by globalization. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it enables governments to stay one step ahead of criminals and protect their citizens from the damaging effects of money laundering and terrorist financing.

Countries' National Risk Assessment

United Kingdom (UK)

The latest National Risk Assessment report on money laundering and terrorist financing in the UK was published on December 17, 2020.

The report included shortcomings in the UK suspect activity reporting (SAR) regime. The report also refers to the pandemic process and the critical legal changes the UK has experienced in financial crimes over the past three years.

UK's National Risk Assessment of Money Laundering


The national risk assessment (NRA) report on money laundering and terrorist financing (ML / TF) risks in Singapore was first published on January 10, 2014. It, implemented throughout the government and lasting for two years, covered 14 financial sub-sectors and eight non-financial sectors located in Singapore.

According to the report, some sectors were found to have higher ML / TF risk. Financial institutions must conduct a risk-based KYC, CDD process for clients belonging to these industries and take more comprehensive measures to reveal potential ML / TF risks.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia conducted two separate risk assessments for money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) risks. Both assessments are based on various data. It includes various documents such as evaluations, surveys prepared for companies, statistics determined by the authorities, details of bilateral negotiations, and reports from national and international sources.

The NRA has adopted several ways to improve Saudi Arabia's AML / CFT regime. These include:

  • Supervising the activity areas of risk reduction strategies
  • Make decisions to limit AML / CFT coverage for low-risk industries and products.
  • To increase and prioritize risk reduction activities.

With Sanction Scanner's risk-based AML solutions, you can easily manage your company's KYC, and CDD processes and implement your company's risk assessments under your country's national risk assessment. For more information, you can contact us.

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