Use landing pages to find the right people

Post job offers on landing pages instead of job search websites only and see your candidates base grow
Free 14-day trial. 30-day money-back guarantee.

How to find the perfect applicant?

Gather valuable and relevant resumes to pick up the best candidates

Everything’s negotiable

Make use of widgets available in our editor, arrange them and create a landing page where you can modify every single element. Embed and move videos, images, headers. Modify fonts, background colors and pop ups. And if you’d prefer someone to get this done for you, check out our services.

Submit a copy

Running a few recrutations at the same time? In Landingi platform you can choose any of your landing page projects, duplicate it, change a few details and there you have it: a new landing page ready to go. Save your time and keep the job offers design consistent.

Apply now

Landing page’s aim is to make a potential candidate submit data in the form. So, make sure the said form is as simple as possible. Ask yourself if you really need so much fields and information that may just as well be provided in the resume attached. Remember, the idea is to make it easy for the candidate to apply.

Choose your recruitment landing page template

Recruitment Landing Page 1
Recruitment Popup 1
Recruitment Mobile Page 1
Recruitment Landing Page 2
Recruitment Popup 2
Recruitment Mobile 2
Recruitment Landing Page 3
Recruitment Pop up 3
Recruitment Mobile Page 3

Check all templates in the platform

These industries use landing pages for recruitment

How about taking the lead in your industry?

Check our product first, then pick a plan that suits you the most
Free 14-day trial. 30-day money-back guarantee.