Trigger your visitors with a free coupon

Offer a discount or a free sample to get as many leads as possible
Free 14-day trial. 30-day money-back guarantee.

Tips ready to use for a coupon landing page

Time is running out

Place a countdown widget on your landing page to show how much longer the code is valid for.

Save (for) later

Ask every visitor an for an email address to send a discount code to. If you wish to provide a unique code for each user, make use of our autoresponder and add external auto-generated code to the email content.

In plain sight

If you prefer to share the coupon on the landing page rather than send individual emails, make sure the discount is easy to find. Don’t overdo it with the amount of texts, images and calls to action.

Check out all templates for coupon download landing pages

Beauty coupon landing page
Beauty coupon popup
Beauty coupon mobile page
Sports discount LP
Sports discount popup
Sports discount mobile

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